Declining Political Significance of Wedding Jamborees in Northern Nigeria

Dr. Umar Ardo.
Dr. Umar Ardo.
Declining Political Significance of Wedding Jamborees in Northern Nigeria

By Dr. Umar Ardo

The resultant socio-economic challenges of President Buhari’s woeful failure to impact on the lives of millions of Northerners throughout his presidency have created a stark divide between the ruling elites and the suffering masses in the region. Public displays of wealth and extravagance at events such as weddings have become emblematic of this disconnect, breeding widespread disdain rather than admiration. While historically, high-profile weddings were seen as opportunities to consolidate alliances or showcase unity, their contemporary iterations have devolved into mere jamborees devoid of meaningful societal or political value. Such events no longer serve as credible platforms for political realignment or strategy, especially within the context of Northern Nigeria’s present realities.

2. The grandeur of elite weddings, characterized by obscene wealth, lavish spending and ostentatious displays, no longer elicits admiration among the majority of Northerners. Instead, it highlights the moral decay and economic disconnect between the privileged few and the impoverished masses. Most of the individuals behind such displays have public service backgrounds and therefore are perceived, albeit more rightly than wrongly, to have amassed their wealth through corruption and dishonesty in the management of public funds entrusted in their care. Consequently, the masses view these gatherings with cynicism, seeing them as celebrations of ill-gotten gains rather than achievements of merit, hence eroding public trust and losing political potency.

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3. There is also a moral question, or moral disconnect, to such marriage gatherings. In a region where millions struggle in abject poverty, hunger, destitution and insecurity, extravagant weddings are nothing but tone-deaf and insensitive events. The ostentation displays at these events only reinforce public anger against the elites, more so because of their failure to address systemic societal issues of the North.

4. For instance, the infamous wedding ceremonies of the children of a former Northern Nigerian president became a lightning rod for public criticism. The ceremonies, along with those of families of governors and lawmakers, always bringing together the wealthiest and powerful in society to display unparalleled luxury, were widely condemned for their extravaganzas amidst widespread poverty and insecurity that the president, the governors and legislators not just failed to resolve but even seen to have exacerbated. Hence, rather than creating harmony and fostering political goodwill, these events simply deepened the chasm between the ruling elites and the masses.

5. Beyond their ephemeral glamour, such grand weddings lack moral and intellectual content and value, and so contribute little to societal upliftment or cohesion. Nor do they address the pressing issues facing the region and inspire meaningful change. While they may temporarily attract media attention, they lack the structural mechanisms to forge alliances, affect core politics or mobilize grassroots support. With the political leaders having failed to drive legitimacy by their inability to effectively represent and address the needs of the people, lavish weddings only highlight detachment from their fundamental responsibilities, alienating them from the electorate even further.

6. The ostentatious nature of elite weddings starkly contrasts with the daily realities of most Northerners. With rising poverty rates, inflation and insecurity, these events underscore the growing inequality and widening gap between the extreme rich and the extreme poor in the region, creating a thick climate of distrust at the expense of societal peace. According to surveys, public trust in political elites in Northern Nigeria is now at an all-time low. Grand weddings exacerbate this distrust by showcasing a lifestyle that is inaccessible to the vast majority of Northerns, thereby further alienating the electorate. While some political pundits may view such events as opportunities for networking and alliance-building, the truth is that they are nothing but self-serving spectacles that prioritize personal gain over public good. The result is that these weddings, whatever their political intentions, end up as futile and negative symbols.

7. An example of this growing discontent is evident in the aftermath of such events, where public discourse often focuses on the cost and source of the wealth displayed, rather than any potential political outcomes. This skepticism undermines the very idea of using weddings as platforms for political strategy. In the context of contemporary Northern Nigerian politics, the loss of public confidence in political elites has rendered these grand weddings ineffective as tools for political mobilization and irrelevant to political strategy. Political realignment in Northern Nigeria today requires grassroots engagement, ideological clarity and credible leadership – not ceremonial displays of illicit wealth.

8. These events no longer address structural issues that determine political success as Northerners are becoming increasingly policy-conscious and results-oriented than blind followers. The Buhari failure has been (or should be) to them a profound lesson. They are now more likely to be swayed by tangible achievements than by the alliances formed at extravagant gatherings. For example, the efforts of organizations like the LND to engage with stakeholders on pressing socio-economic and political issues in the North highlight the stark contrast between meaningful political actions and the hollow symbolism of grand ceremonies.

9. In conclusion, high-profile weddings, once symbols of unity and political maneuvering, have lost their significance in the current hash socio-political climate. The extravagant displays of wealth and power at such events serve only to alienate the masses, deepen societal divides and further reinforce perceptions of elite detachment. In a time of unprecedented hardship, when Northerners should be demanding accountability, transparency and tangible solutions to their existential problems, grand weddings, devoid of societal value and content, are clearly antithetical to rational expectations.

10. Rather than attaching undue political value to such events, Northern elites and political analysts should focus on bridging the wide economic gap between the extreme rich and the extreme poor in society by prioritizing policies and actions that foster equitable wealth creation and distribution in the region’s strategic development. Only through such efforts can true political significance and legitimacy be achieved by the political class.

Ardo, the convener of LND writes from Abuja.


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